Saturday, October 9, 2010

Mind sets to have a hapi life^^

1. Forgive and Forget
We are humans, we are imperfect, so is OK for us to have mistake...Its true that some ppl's attitude really pissed u off, but when think the other way round, why don't forgive him and forget what he did. This will bring happiness for both party. Well, I never say forgive and forget is easy, but still possible^^

2. Be Thankful
When people did something good on you, be sure to say "thank you". Maybe you will think that is not a big deal, but is really matter for the people, at least let them know you appreciate what they did. A "Thank You" will encourage ppl to do more kindness^^

3. Be Kind
Help ppl when ever you have the ability to do it, even it is really troublesome. You will never know when you will be in trouble, and that time you may need their help. WHO KNOW? Be Kindness to everyone^^ You will be hapi when you see them smiling becoz of what you did.

4. Smile often
When you bump into some sure to give them a big wide smile^^, they will smile back and you will feel hapiness flying around xD

5. Be optimistic
When bad things happen, look at the bright side. Amplify the good part, minimize the bad part ^^.

6. Sharing
Share what you have, instead to have it on ur own...^^

kays lets simplify this...Just be nice to everyone, and look on things with a happy mind^^

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